4 Best Exercises For Constipation

4 Best Exercises For Constipation

4 Best Exercises For Constipation

Constipation, a common digestive issue affecting individuals of all ages, can significantly impact daily life and overall well-being.

Characterized by infrequent bowel movements and difficulty in passing stools, it often results from poor dietary habits, insufficient water intake, and a lack of physical activity. 

This article delves into an effective exercise regimen specifically tailored to promote healthy bowel movements, alleviate symptoms of constipation, and improve digestive health.


Table of Contents

What Is Constipation?

chronic constipation, exercise for constipation

Chronic constipation is when your bowel movements are tough or happen less often than normal. It's common and can affect people of all ages. Usually, constipation means you have three or fewer bowel movements in a week. When you are constipated, your stools are usually hard, dry, and small, making them tough to pass.

This condition happens because the colon absorbs too much water from your waste. This can occur if food moves through your digestive system too slowly.

The slow bowel movement causes the stool to become hard and dry. Several things can cause this, like not eating enough fiber, not drinking enough water, or not getting enough exercise. Some medicines and health conditions, like irritable bowel syndrome, can also lead to constipation.

Why Is Constipation So Common?

exercise for constipation, constipation is common

Constipation is a common problem for many people. This is because our lifestyles often lead to it. One big reason is not eating enough fiber. Foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are high in fiber, but many people don't eat enough of them. Fiber helps keep things moving in your digestive system.

Not drinking enough water is another reason. Water helps our bodies digest food and move it through our system. When we don't drink enough, our stools can get hard and dry, making them harder to pass.

A lack of exercise also contributes. Being active helps our body's digestion. Without regular exercise, our digestive system can slow down, leading to constipation. Engaging in activities that enhance blood flow and strengthen abdominal muscles can be beneficial.

Sometimes, medicines can cause constipation. Painkillers, some antidepressants, and iron pills are common culprits. These medicines can change the way our digestive system works.

Lastly, ignoring the urge to go to the bathroom can lead to constipation. When we don't go when we need to, our body reabsorbs water from the stool, making it harder.

Best Exercises To Relieve Constipation

constipation exercise, kegel exercise, kegel exercises

To help with constipation, certain exercises can be very effective. They get your body moving and improve digestion.

First, try brisk walking. It's simple and works well. Walking fast for 20-30 minutes daily can move your digestive system. It's easy to fit into your routine, like walking during your lunch break or after dinner.

Second, try yoga. Specific poses, like the Wind-Relieving Pose or the Child's Pose, can help. They stretch your stomach and get things moving in your digestive tract. Yoga is also relaxing, which can help if stress is part of your constipation.

Third, pelvic floor exercises, like Kegel exercises, are good too, especially for problems like pelvic floor dysfunction. They strengthen the muscles you use to go to the bathroom. Doing them every day can help make bowel movements easier and relieve constipation.

Lastly, try gentle stretching or light jogging. These activities increase blood flow and can help with digestion.

Remember, you don't have to do intense workouts. Even light, regular exercise can make a big difference in relieving constipation.


Yoga is great for easing constipation. It involves stretches and poses that help your digestive system. Here are some simple yoga moves you can try.

The Wind-Relieving Pose is one of the best. Lie on your back and bring your knees to your chest. Hug them with your arms. This pose gently presses your stomach and can help move things in your gut.

Another good pose is the Child's Pose. Sit on your knees, then lean forward until your forehead touches the ground. Stretch your arms in front of you. This pose relaxes your body and can help with digestion.

The Twisting Pose is also helpful. Sit with your legs straight. Bend one knee and put that foot over the other leg. Twist your body towards the bent knee and hold. This helps squeeze your internal organs, which can get things moving.

Doing these poses for a few minutes each day can help with constipation. They are easy to do and don't need any special equipment. Plus, yoga is calming, so it can reduce stress, which is sometimes a cause of constipation.


Cardio exercises are great for helping with constipation. These exercises get your heart pumping and your body moving, which helps your digestive system.

Brisk walking is an easy cardio exercise to start with. Just walking quickly for about 30 minutes a day can make a big difference. You can do it anywhere, like in a park or around your neighborhood.

Jogging is another good option. It's a bit more intense than walking but effective. Start slow and build up your pace. Even a short jog can help your digestion.

Cycling is also helpful. Riding a bike, whether outside or on a stationary bike, gets your legs moving and stimulates your gut. It's a fun way to exercise and good for your overall health.

Swimming is another excellent cardio workout. It's gentle on your body but still gets your blood flowing and your muscles moving, including those in your digestive tract.

All these cardio activities increase blood flow and help your digestive system work better. They don't have to be hard or long. Even a little bit each day can help with constipation.

Deep Breathing Exercises

Deep breathing exercises can help with constipation. These exercises are easy and can be done anywhere. They help relax your body and can improve digestion.

Start by finding a quiet place to sit or lie down. Take a slow, deep breath through your nose. Fill your lungs. Then, breathe out slowly through your mouth. Doing this for just a few minutes can relax your stomach muscles, which helps your digestive system.

Another technique is to breathe in deeply and hold your breath for a few seconds. Then, breathe out slowly. Repeat this several times. This method can also help reduce stress, which is sometimes linked to constipation.

You can also try belly breathing. Put one hand on your belly and the other on your chest. Breathe in deeply through your nose, and feel your belly rise. Your chest should stay still. Then, breathe out slowly. This exercise is good for your digestive system because it helps move things along in your gut.

Doing these deep breathing exercises every day can help with constipation. They are simple, don’t take much time, and can be done anywhere. Plus, they are great for relaxing and reducing stress.

Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercises

Pelvic floor muscle exercises, like Kegel exercises, are good for easing constipation. These exercises strengthen the muscles that help in bowel movements.

To do Kegel exercises, first, you need to find the right muscles. Try to stop urinating mid-flow. The muscles you use to do this are your pelvic floor muscles. Remember this feeling for the exercises.

Once you know the muscles, you can do Kegels anywhere. Sit or lie down and tighten your pelvic floor muscles. Hold this for three to five seconds. Then relax for three to five seconds. It's like you are trying to stop peeing. Do this 10 times in a row, three times a day.

It's important to breathe normally while doing these exercises. Don't hold your breath. Also, make sure you are only using your pelvic muscles, not your stomach or leg muscles.

Doing Kegel exercises every day can help make your pelvic floor muscles stronger. This can help with bowel movements and ease constipation. Plus, these exercises are easy and can be done without anyone knowing.

Bonus - Things To Eat That Cure Constipation

foods to eat constipation, prune juice, apple juice

Besides exercising, eating certain foods can help cure constipation. These foods make it easier for your body to have regular bowel movements.

First, eat more fiber. Fiber is in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. It helps make your stool softer and easier to pass. Good choices include apples, pears, broccoli, and oats.

Drinking plenty of water is also key. Water helps move food through your digestive system. Try to drink at least eight glasses a day. Avoid too much caffeine or alcohol, as they can dehydrate you.

Prunes are another great option. They're high in fiber and natural sugar, which can help with bowel movements. You can eat them as they are or drink prune juice.

Yogurt with probiotics is also good. Probiotics are healthy bacteria that can improve your gut health. Eating yogurt regularly can help keep your digestive system working well.

Lastly, flaxseeds can help. They are high in fiber and can be added to cereal or yogurt. They help with digestion and can prevent constipation.

Adding these foods to your diet, along with regular exercise, can help if you're dealing with constipation.

Probiotic Supplements

Probiotic supplements, like our IBSupport can help with constipation. Probiotics are good bacteria that live in your gut and help with digestion.

Taking probiotic supplements can add more of these good bacteria to your gut. This can help balance your gut bacteria and improve digestion. It can also make your bowel movements more regular.

When choosing a probiotic supplement, look for ones with different types of bacteria. The label should list the types of bacteria in it. Examples are Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. These are common good bacteria found in the gut.

You can find probiotic supplements in most pharmacies or health food stores. They come in different forms like pills, powders, or liquids. Some yogurts and drinks also have added probiotics.

It's important to take probiotics as directed on the label. Also, remember that supplements are not a replacement for a healthy diet. Eating foods rich in fiber and drinking plenty of water is still important.

If you have any health problems or are taking other medicines, it's a good idea to talk to a doctor before taking probiotic supplements. They can make sure the supplements are safe for you.

Apple Juice

Apple juice can be a simple and tasty way to help with constipation. It works well because it has a lot of water and a type of sugar called sorbitol.

Sorbitol acts like a natural laxative. It helps pull water into your intestines, which makes your stool softer and easier to pass. This can help if you're constipated.

When choosing apple juice, go for the pure, unsweetened kind. This type is better because it doesn't have added sugars or other ingredients that might not help with constipation. You can find it in most grocery stores.

It's good to drink a glass of apple juice in the morning. It can start your digestive system for the day. Another glass in the evening can also help.

Remember, while apple juice can help with constipation, it's not a cure-all. It's still important to eat a balanced diet with plenty of fiber. Also, make sure to drink enough water and exercise regularly.

Like with any remedy, too much apple juice might not be good. Drinking a lot can lead to too much sugar in your diet. It can also cause other stomach problems. So, it's best to drink it in moderation.

Orange Juice

Orange juice is another good drink for constipation. It’s not just tasty; it also has a lot of vitamin C and fiber, which help your digestive system.

The fiber in orange juice, especially in freshly squeezed juice with pulp, helps with bowel movements. It makes your stool softer and easier to pass. This can relieve constipation.

Vitamin C in orange juice also helps your digestive system. It's good for your gut health and can help keep things moving.

When you pick orange juice, try to get the kind with pulp. The pulp has more fiber than juice without pulp, which helps promote bowel movements. Also, choose natural, unsweetened orange juice. This type doesn’t have added sugars that aren’t good for you.

Drinking a glass of orange juice in the morning can help start your day right. It can wake up your digestive system and get it moving.

But, like with apple juice, don’t drink too much. A lot of orange juice can lead to too much sugar in your diet. It can also cause acid reflux or heartburn for some people. So, it's best to enjoy it in moderation and as part of a balanced diet.

Bottom Line

To sum up, constipation is a common issue, but you can manage it with some simple steps. Regular exercise, like walking, yoga, and pelvic floor exercises, can help. These activities get your digestive system moving.

Eating the right foods is also important. Foods high in fiber, like fruits and whole grains, are great. Drinking plenty of water helps too. And, certain drinks like apple and orange juice can be helpful because of their fiber and natural sugars.

Probiotic supplements can also support your gut health. They add good bacteria to your digestive system. Just remember to check with a doctor before starting any supplements, especially if you have other health issues or are on medication.

It's all about balance — a mix of exercise, the right diet, and staying hydrated works best. If you keep up with these habits, you can improve your digestive health and reduce constipation.

Lastly, if constipation is a regular problem and these tips don’t help, it’s a good idea to see a doctor. They can check if there’s a more serious issue and give you the best advice.


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