Constipation is among the most common problems in the US, and over the past few years, we’ve grown to make the probiotic-product industry quite famous because of it. Well, it certainly should be, because when those stomach-twirls kick in, nobody wants to be in that position.
There are a lot of products that are coming out that relieve constipation, and help cater to a lot of different problems that range from IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) to constant digestive discomfort that just doesn't seem to go away.
Though, what we’re bringing to the table today is something that’s more centered around the topic of fruit drinks.
But to begin with its introduction, here’s a quick question for you.
Have you ever wondered why you suddenly feel the need to go to the bathroom as soon as you drink some apple juice? You might have been thinking that it’s only been you all this time, but trust us when we tell you that there's scientific evidence behind it.
So the question is, which is probably why you’re here for, Does apple juice make you poop?
The short answer is yes. Apple juice does make you poop. The natural probiotic ingredients in apple juice produce a very gentle laxative effect that causes you to go to the bathroom.
Though the whole process goes way deeper than that, and in this article, we’ll dive deeper into it. So read on, and emerge with more knowledge that you had before hopping on this article.
Table of Contents
- Why Does Apple Juice Make You Poop?
- High Fiber Content
- A Natural Diuretic
- High Sorbitol (Sugar Alcohol)
- Possess Antioxidants
- Rich In Vitamin C
- How Long Does Apple Juice Take To Make You Poop?
- Alternatives To Apple Juice
- What Are The Side Effects Of Drinking Apple Juice?
- How Much Apple Juice Should You Be Drinking?
- Bottom Line
Why Does Apple Juice Make You Poop?
There’s a long list of reasons as to why apple juice can make you poop, and we’ll get to them all, in a bit.

However, the secret actually lies in how apple juice affects digestion and how its components interact with your body. In fact, its interaction with the gut microbiome is what gets your bowels running, and is also why it can help relieve constipation and other problems as a whole.
That being said, here are some of the core medical aspects of Apple juice that gets your bowels running, and causes increased trips to the bathroom.
High Fiber Content
Apple juice, in addition to other fruit juices like prune juice, are entities that are high in fiber, especially soluble fiber. This type of fiber increases the amount of stool you produce normally, which is why you start to go to the bathroom more when you drink apple juice on a regular basis.
Though, what’s great about fruit juices like these is that the fiber brings a lot of other benefits, which include regulating your digestive health, bringing in constipation relief, and softening the stools so they’re easily passed towards the rectal route.
A Natural Diuretic
Another reason apple juice makes you go to the bathroom is due to being a natural diuretic. This means it helps flush out excess water and waste from the body.
We’ve mentioned before that apple juice, in addition to other juices like prune juice, brings in a certain laxative effect that creates a bowel movement. But, is apple juice a laxative?
Though, since apple juice is high in sugar alcohol content, consuming a lot can lead to some problems, something that we’ll explain later in this article.The answer to that is no. Apple juice isn’t a laxative, but creates a laxative-like effect in the body by stimulating the muscles present in the large intestine.
High Sorbitol (Sugar Alcohol)
Sorbitol, a sugar alcohol that is completely insoluble by many people, is present in a good sum in apple juice, and since it adds to the laxative effect of the juice itself, you’ll feel like you want to poop after drinking even a little amount of apple juice.
Sorbitol is a natural sugar that is present in many fruit drinks, the most common of which includes orange juice, apple juice and prune juice, all of which exhibit similar pooping effects in people.
Sorbitol also helps in softening the stools, and there have been study by C.M Kneepkens dives deep into its role against chronic constipation and diarrhea.
Possess Antioxidants
Apple juice is rich in antioxidants, which also play a vital role in promoting regular bowel movements. Antioxidants are compounds that protect the body from damage caused by harmful molecules. These molecules are called free radicals.
Though there is very little research in the connection between antioxidants and increased stool production, this study actively conveys information about how a high antioxidant diet can lead to an increased frequency of stools in under 48 hours, and this is partly the reason why you might be going to the bathroom after some good apple juice.
As it turns out, apple juice is rich in antioxidants, and this is also what makes them great for chronic constipation, or occasional constipation for that matter.
In addition to that, these bad boys also protect that body from harmful chemicals, something we like to call ‘free radicals’ in the medical world.
Besides that, there is also some level of research going on the connection between IBS and a high antioxidant diet, as they also possess anti-inflammatory features that impair the gut lining and protect the gut barrier.
Rich In Vitamin C
We all know that orange juice is rich in vitamin C, because it’s citric and tastes funny, right? But do you know what else is quite rich in vitamin c? Apple juice.
This vitamin type promotes gastric motility, which is a fancy medical term for how food moves throughout our intestine.
The more vitamin C you intake, the more motility your body will have, and the more bowel movements, which lead to an increased amount of pooping every now and then.
Though besides just gut motility, professionals recommend vitamin c to be an integral part of a healthy diet, so whether you’re using fruit juices or vitamin tablets, it’s important to take them every now and then.
How Long Does Apple Juice Take To Make You Poop?

Taking all of the above reasons into consideration, now you have a good idea about the various reasons why apple juice can make you poop.
But how long does it take for apple juice to make you poop? This is a question that people with occasional constipation ask, and we’re here to answer that very question.
We’ve demonstrated how apple juice can help cater to a better digestive health, and recent studies have indicated apple juice can stimulate your bowel movement within 30 minutes to 3 hours after drinking it.
However, this timeline varies based on an individual's existing digestive tract issues or their sensitivity to apple juice, so the exact time is not always predictable, and can vary from person to person.
It is important to note that apple juice should not be taken as a substitute for regular exercise and healthy eating habits essential for overall wellness, especially if you want to treat constipation or diarrhea.
Additionally, the amount of liquid you drink affects how quickly you see the results, and the same is the case with what your overall diet is, and the lifestyle you adopt while intaking apple juice on a daily basis.
So account these factors if you’re worried about a delayed reaction in your bowel movements.
Alternatives To Apple Juice
We’ve been talking about apple juice, and how it can play its role to relieve constipation, but it's the only fruit drink that can do that. There are other juices you can use for this laxative effect too, and we’re here to let you broaden your options, in case you’re not an apple juice person.

Prune Juice
Prune juice is a well-known remedy for digestion issues, and it’s laxative effects are especially great for constipation symptoms. The high fiber content and sugar content help draw water into the digestive tract of the body, which gets the bowels running.
Like apple juice, as we’ve mentioned before, prune juices also contain large traces of sorbitol, which goes on to initiate contractions in the colon and get those bowels moving. A single glass of prune juice contains up to 7g of insoluble fiber and 3g of soluble fiber, both essential nutrients for optimal digestion.
Orange Juice
While in various books orange juice is praised for its antiscorbutic properties, in various others, orange juice is put in a high place for its mild laxative properties, as it helps to speed up digestion, allowing feces to pass quickly through your digestive tract.
The chemical composition of orange juice contains a special combination of electrolytes and vitamins which breaks down food particles within the digestive system more quickly than other beverages, leading to more frequent bowel movements.
A single glass of orange juice contains about 0.2g of dietary fiber, which is why it’s important to have a consistent supply of fiber in your daily diet from other sources, and not rely on orange juice completely.
What Are The Side Effects Of Drinking Apple Juice?
Drinking apple juice can often provide a healthy burst of vitamins and minerals, but too much apple juice doesn't come without some sort of side effects. Too much apple juice can cause a range of different problems, and here’s a couple of them explained, in a simple, easy-to-understand way.

High Fiber, Low Vitamin
A good cup of apple juice is good enough to make you poop and get those bowels moving, but in terms of the RDI(Reference Daily Intake) of micronutrients like vitamins, it’s not enough to solely survive throughout the day. Make sure you’re coupling your apple juice with a boatload of vitamin sources to get the best results out of your daily diet.
It Contributes To Weight Gain
For most people, drinking apple juice is easier to consume as compared to eating an apple, and that, for some people, can contribute to weight gain in the long run. A single glass of this fruit juice contains up to 120 calories, and drinking a lot of it in a single day can ultimately cause you to gain weight.
Make sure you’re drinking adequate amounts of apple juice in a day, as to not just maintain a healthy weight, but make sure you’re not overstimulating your bowel movements, which can lead to a long list of other problems.
How Much Apple Juice Should You Be Drinking?
Apple juice is good if you want to relieve constipation almost instantly, but like everything else, it should While apple juice is no miracle cure for constipation, it does contain a number of vitamins and minerals which can help to restore regularity without having to take harsh laxatives.
When it comes to how much apple juice you should be drinking, it all depends on the individual's age and health status..
However, for a general recommendation for adults, the recommended intake of apple juice is 8 ounces per day, which can vary from person to person according to your health factors and doctor’s advice.
Ultimately, make sure you’re consuming apple juice in moderation, as it will allow you to have healthy bowel movements, and make the most out of this fruit drink without having to run into any implications.
Bottom Line
In summary, apple juice can be both a benefit and hindrance to your digestion. While it can help alleviate constipation, drinking too much apple juice may cause negative side effects such as diarrhea or an increase in sugar intake.
It's important for us to practice moderation when it comes to our health and beverage intake, so only consuming small amounts of apple juice would be ideal in helping balance out the positive and negative aspects of consuming this drink.